
Welcome! We are a fun group of people who enjoy each other and the gift of the ukulele. Learn new songs and learn to play as part of a larger group. We started in Newark, Delaware as the Newark Ukesters with members coming from Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Anyone is welcome to attend events and practices.

Practice Strums – please see the Calendar page for more details:

  • UUFN at 420 Willa Rd, Newark, Del on 1st, 3rd and 4th Tuesday each month
  • Second Sunday each month from March to November at Old Stone Cider at 959 Chesterville Rd, Lewisville, Pa
  • Other events throughout the year (See calendar)

Our strums are informal: if you are concerned about your skill level don’t let that be a deterrent. Everyone of ALL skill levels is welcome! You can download the current Songbook or upcoming playlist from our Songs & Songbooks Page, learn the chords and lyrics, and have a great time!

Upcoming Events

Photo Gallery


There are many good websites for learning how to play a Ukulele, and many good free tutorials on Youtube. For example, search “how to play Ukulele” on Google.com and you’ll see a good list of starting points

Also, come to one of our practice jams, either in person or on Zoom, and we can give you more guidance.

Contact Us

For more information, see our Facebook page under “Newark Ukesters”.

You can also email Ray at “Ray.Weigand@gmail.com” for questions.

New Address - we can now be reached at "NewarkUkesters.com"
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